"CURVY CARMEN ELECTRA has shot up FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women list — because of claims she is having a LESBIAN affair. The ex-Baywatch babe, 34, polled 10,000 votes in the 24 hours after stories emerged alleging a relationship with rocker Joan Jett."
Totally fabricated story. First, the claims of the "lesbian affair" are over 4 months old, so why would she suddenly get a rush of votes now? Plus the voting figures aren't made available to the public so there's no way Vicky could know.
"Carmen — starring in comedy film I Want Candy..."
No?! Really?! It's almost as if the opening of this sentence is the entire reason for the article!
"...proudly wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of the ’80s star."
Yes, she did. Last June. Before any of the rumours started.
Carmen being "accused" of having a lesbian love affair has prompted this pointless compilation of female celebrities who have said they find other women attractive. It just happens to be exactly the same as this compilation which appeared back in January, only it was Kelly Brook who "confessed" and prompted it that time.
It's Filthy Lezza Week in the Sun! Vicky manages to drag out yet another shameless piece of PR puff here: Celeb girl-on-girl crushes.
What a great idea for an article. I wonder where she got the idea?
"EX-BAYWATCH sexbomb Carmen Electra..."
Oh. Right.
"...set tongues wagging when she was accused of sharing a lesbian love affair."
Again with the 'Accused'! Do these deviants have no shame? Here's an interesting experiment; Use the Sun website's search engine to look for the word 'Accused', then order by Date. The top results include the London Bombings court case, the call for withdrawal in Iraq and a harrowing story of a leukaemia patient denied bone marrow.
And Carmen Electra being 'accused' of lesbian tendancies.
Still, Carmen Electra eh? I wonder what she's doing these days...
The stupid thing is it's exactly the same article they ran back in January, only with Carmen Electra as the "reason" for it instead of Kelly Brook...
In fact I think that warrants an addition...
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