"ROBBIE WILLIAMS’ ex-songwriter GUY CHAMBERS is creating a West End musical. It will be interesting to see if Robbie appears — though he and Guy haven’t spoken since falling out in 2003."
Robbie Williams, speaking at a press conference in Germany in 2005: "Me and Guy are friends again. We speak now and will be working together in the future, you'll all be pleased to hear."
Guy Chambers, speaking in a Guardian interview in May 2005: "Anyway, he continues, "we're talking again now". He drops it into the conversation nonchalantly, between mouthfuls of tabbouleh and a shrug. "I went to the Troubador in LA to see Coldplay and he was there at the same gig. It's a small club, so I bumped into him at the bar and we had a hug and afterwards there was an aftershow and we had a little chat together and then we went for dinner the following week and had a really, really good chat."
(Quote source: Williams, Chambers )
Hello. I think I love you. I'm the Private Eye hack who did the original hackwatch on Vicky N back in March 2006, after she inexplicably picked up the Showbusiness Writer of the Year Awards. If you'd like a copy of the original text - it's got a couple of extra bits that didn't make it into the mag - drop me a line at adam.macqueen@private-eye.co.uk.
What a fucking amazing blog. I'm not anyone in particular but I do have a brain in my head and can't stand the cow. Thank you for this, you've made my day.
Thank you so much for this blog. As someone who occasionally casts an eye over 'her website', I can only despair at the sort of tat this odious hag peddles as 'gossip'. Considering this is the main showbusiness column in the UK's top-selling newspaper, I find it incredible that her main story each day will be either:
a) A joke 'campaign' based on a week-old story (e.g. Matt from Busted in 'Likes a Drink' shocker) or, even better, no story at all (e.g. Oasis' new album is out this week, go and buy it so that the Westlife album doesn't chart higher), or
b) Newton 'confidently predicting' that an album will go straight to number one at the weekend - A prediction based solely on her own unique insider knowledge of the music industry (and certainly not from taking a look at the midweek charts or, on particularly slow days, making this wild prediction about an album by a bunch of plucky unheard-of newcomers like Coldplay or the Scissor Sisters)
Her glaring mistakes are just another treat to look out for along the way...
I never thought anyone could write a worse column than the 3am Girls, but Newton has proven me wrong. Keep up the good work.
Darwin, I suggest you start "my" campaign to get Vicky Newton ousted.
If enough people get talking about it and you can get people like Adam Macqueen to reference your blog, you never know, everyone might get lucky and she could get fired.
Nooo, no, no, you know, I don't actually want her to lose her job or anything like that, I just want her to do her job properly. It's not difficult.
Do her job properly? That would involve knowing something about music and film, being a person celebs didn't mind talking to, and being attractive enough to get in to parties and clubs closed to the general public.
She's got more chance of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature.
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