"THE new SPICE GIRLS single Headlines was leaked on the internet yesterday – weeks before the planned release. The girls’ label EMI called in legal eagles to get the audio recording taken off YouTube. But SPORTY, POSH, GINGER, SCARY and BABY kindly let me have the first full listen to the track yesterday. And I can reveal it is classic Spice ballad material in the style of 2 Become 1 – their No1 from 1996."
The full track has not leaked on the internet, it was a 30-second clip which was legally given to the Amazon.com website in the US. People then ripped this clip and uploaded it to YouTube.But if the full song had leaked, which Vicky is claiming, then that means people would have heard it. So how can she have had the "first full listen"? That doesn't even make sense.
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