Sunday, 3 December 2006

Siobhan Donaghy vs Mutya Buena - Update

Following this fabricated story last week, Siobhan Donaghy has responded with this message on her official forum:

Hi everyone

There will by no means be any kind of chart battle. Me and Mutya have been in contact and never really had a fall out in the first place! I support her in her solo project as it's hard work out there on your own without any extra pressure! Our projects will be released at totally seperate times, for no other reason than to line them up would be complicated, and silly. I've heard some of her material and doesn't her voice just sound amazing!

Hope that's cleared that up.


Yes, Siobhan, it has.

(Quote source: Siobhan Donaghy Official Forum [7th post down])


Lee said...

Hiya, i`ll be covering newspapers on my blog soon and giving them a hammering.. cool blog, hope alls well. Lee x

Andrew said...

Victoria Newton has all of the literary, journalistic and investigatory skills of a bluebottle.

Stupid, stupid bitch.